الأربعاء، 8 يونيو 2011

artcel 2

The Best Way to Clean Your Windows Registry

If your computer used to run like a rabbit but now crawls like a tortoise, it's probably time to clean your Windows registry. Although it is possible to do this by hand, it is much safer and faster to perform this task with registry cleaning software. Learn why your computer slows down over time and how to safely fix that proble

The Windows registry is an index of information your computer needs to retrieve in order for it to work as it should. If you display the registry in a text editor, it appears to be a long inventory of gobbledy-gook however to the computer, it’s vital information regarding things like ports, user profiles, installed hardware, applications (programs) and types of documents (data).

When your computer is first out of the box, everything should function seamlessly, smoothly and swiftly but after the passage of time, the Windows registry picks up a lot of bits and pieces of instructions that are no longer legitimate. Some of these orphaned bits come from computer programs that were uninstalled improperly or incompletely. Others were moved improperly by the system and though they continue to exist on the hard drive, Windows can not find them because the entry for them in the registry is no longer accurate.
Clogged with these orphaned pieces of information, the registry runs like a tortoise and error messages and system crashes begin to occur. A good registry cleaner will locate all those stray bits and indicate which ones will be able to be safely erased. On occasion, the same file is needed by more than onecomputer program. Although one of the computer programs that used it has been uninstalled, the file should remain for the other programs that need it to function.

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